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(29th Nov. to 28th Dec. 2016) |
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(29th Dec. 2016) |
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A prediction for each month could help a person to plan ahead for commitments, avoid any possible unhappy event and uncover the potential success the month might bring. |
***Good Luck and Wishes Come True!*** |
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Note: Check this out first, if you born in the month of January or February. Click on your Birth Year |
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Born in the Year of Rat |
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Feeling enthusiastic during the initial month and will continue to exert oneself to the limit, not wishing to waste valuable time. Under such circumstances, hopefully you should pay some consideration to the physical needs of aging even though psychologically one may be sturdy and perhaps determined not to allow trivial illness deterring from achieving progress or success. No doubt the choice is entirely yours to make regardless of certain advice from the Specialists, Medical Professionals or some very close friends. Even though one may not encounter major health hazards but this does not necessarily imply that you should ignore initial symptoms of illness no matter how insignificant it may appear. As long as one does not underestimate the nature of the environment, it is advisable to be vigilant of potential danger to health and wellbeing. |
LUCK: | |||
Need to beware of certain potential hidden vulnerabilities lurking amongst circle of friends, colleagues or family members. Do not take things for granted even though you thought to have known them for ages. There have been some initial indications or telltale signs in the making and one just needs to be more vigilant. During this period, the RAT type has to be extra suspicious when dealing with clients, customers or colleagues at work, businesses or even socially. It is understandable that with appropriate regular diplomacy, certain tricky situations can be ironed out or irregular practices in order to avoid potential personal losses or lengthy legal confrontations. Being patient would certainly help to overcome the anxiety or perhaps help to resolve many of the potential problems. The ability to address or overcome most of the challenges during this period is certainly down to experience and skill rather than relying on Good Luck. |
MONEY: | |||
The month can be exciting, although you are focusing mainly more on the difficulties you would be encountering than what is positive or good. While it is essential that you deal with those tricky financial matters, not all of them are pressing. Tackle those that are urgent then shift your focus to new developments at some stage. Not every opportunity that lands at your front door will be rewarding, for you have a huge task to sieve each one out in depth before deciding the appropriate type that meets your needs. Depending on how eager or desperate you are with the proposal and not forgetting the risks involved. Thinking through and taking the necessary time to consider the options would be the wise move. Bear in mind that there will not be a clear winner for each option, merely the possibility of earning satisfactory profits. |
While you understand the importance of taking things slowly, especially when getting to know interesting people, embracing new ideas or exploring exciting but unknown territory, you will be tempted to plunge in first and ask questions later. Do so in terms of investigation; this is perhaps the best way to learn. But when it comes to expressing your enthusiasm or making commitments, try to rein yourself in, otherwise you could commit too swiftly and unwittingly restrict your options. Doing things in haste can sometimes be appropriate depending on which point of view you are considering. On the other hand, there is also a possibility of a set-back when things do not turn out as expected. Striking a balance would require more mature approach rather than relying on your instinct. |
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Born in the Year of OX |
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Feeling disappointed after being let down a couple of times by somebody you have trusted? Well, it could happen to anybody from time to time, yet when it happened to you far too recently. Even though you reminded yourself to give them more opportunities to rectify their negative behavior, hoping for the best, that is considered normal and generous. But there is a limitation to many things in life and perhaps this is the moment, where you may need to review those you associate with in your personal life. Continuing to let such circumstances happen could be detrimental to both parties and both sides will nevertheless be any wiser. Dealing with the situation would require nerves of steel but with honesty. You should not feel bad for being straightforward provided without intention of hurting their feelings. Handle with astute approach and they should appreciate your concerns. |
LUCK: | |||
Being born under the zodiac Ox Type, you tend to carefully organize elements of your everyday life, which takes effort but has freed you to focus on what is interesting. Or so it seems, for during this period, certain elements of your routines have suddenly become quite restrictive to your inconvenience. Usually you are able to improvise, seeking a remedy rather than letting them getting to your head worrying unnecessarily. Things that happen are more complex than you envisage, hence you would need to think outside the box and consider adopting a totally new approach. Take this as a new learning curve and not necessarily that you should succumb without giving your best shots. No doubt it will be tough and difficult challenge but you should eventually succeed in the end, perhaps with some superficial bruises. You may consider lucky enough to have overcome the situation. |
MONEY: | |||
Ensure to focus, concentrate and pay particular attention to immediate needs rather than other self-inflicted financial problems. Do not make it a habit by bailing out loved ones or close associates every time when they are facing a financial crisis. Perhaps in your conscience, you may be considering helping them out of kindness. But indirectly you could be creating an individual that cannot be self-independent or self-reliant. One might also need to spend more than envisaged on items like examination fees, car maintenance, home repairs or medical treatment. As long as you are vigilant in handling personal finances wisely, then you do not need to worry excessively in the long term. Avoid investing in the volatile property market. Hopefully you are able to resist the temptation of making a fast buck in the share market or dealing with the currency markets. Remembering the phrase 'One's man meat could be another's poison'. |
By no means are you secretive about your feelings, both pro certain individuals and anti-certain arrangements. Conflicting or confusing it may sound, yet bizarrely you tend not to discuss those deeper feelings that matter most. While those closest may sense something about them, it might be time to talk or discuss these over and hopefully openly with honesty. Treat such approach as a beginning to something different from your life. You never know where it may lead your present relationship. On the plus side, situations will continue to grow stronger and likewise with the opposite, it could take a downturn for the worst. Obviously nobody would wish for the latter to happen. No matter whatever the outcome with the relationship, as long as you are not allowing emotional feelings rule your head; more likely to make things work better in the long term. But you still have to keep working on the relationship and do not take your eyes off. |
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Born in the Year of Tiger |
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Dealing with others' anxiety is never easy especially with so many happenings of your own issues. Perhaps the trick is to avoid discussing either complications or the unsettled feelings they could arouse and instead concentrate on the immediate needs. No doubt you cannot possibly please most of them, but at least you could try your best to mediate the situation. On the other hand, you will also be prepared to expect the unexpected from certain groups or individuals that would take a total different view. It is not going to be smooth sailing ahead but it should not deter you from progressing ahead. Along the way, you may need to engage assistance from someone or organization that have experience dealing with similar situations. Just ask rather than feeling ashamed. Sometimes two brains are better than one. |
LUCK: | |||
Sometimes opportunities announce themselves with a display; likely to grow out of a casual conversation, something you read or a chance encounter. And you may not even spot their potential promise on the day. That being the case, just explore every single idea you hear about, chat with those you run into and most importantly, be inquisitive about everything even down to the trivial issues. Remind yourself that you have nothing to lose at this stage and potentially everything to gain. But on the other hand, approach with thoughtfulness, which indirectly is another way of selling your capability to the potential Employer or Client. Just act naturally and more importantly to be your own natural self. Any simple act can either give away your strengths or weakness. Provided you have full self-confidence and the relevant experience, you have nothing really to fear. |
MONEY: | |||
It may seem that you have plenty of time in the world to deal with certain crucial but tedious business or financial matters. Minor issues that remain unacknowledged can easily grow into major issues at some later stage. It would be advisable to nib the bud at the early stage and do not rest on your laurels thinking that things should be under control amicably. Overestimating or being over confident can sometimes work against your plan. This is not the moment to lower your guard or merely rely on others' feedback. Get involved with the nitty-gritty details and scrutinize all the relevant paper-work. You can avoid potential financial losses by being thorough with the system and accountability. Your industrious effort will be recognized and eventually rewarded by the management at the appropriate moment. |
While it is understandable, under the heat of an argument that you would say almost anything or agree to even unreasonable arrangements merely to bring near impossible situations to an end, which you may regret. Before you even make such commitment, try to remain composed and acknowledge what has been said, and then say you will need some time to think about it. Basically you are walking a very fine line concerning your present relationship, when things go south. Nobody wishes a relationship to turn sour especially with children involved. No matter how things may pan out from the beginning, just do not make it worse with abusive language that both parties could regret. For young lovers, things are progressing relatively smoothly without major hiccups. But do not take things for granted with other issues involving family members or potential in-laws. Both parties will need to learn and respect each other's culture and religious beliefs. There is still plenty to learn and research ahead if you are really serious with the present relationship. |
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Born in the Year of Rabbit |
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The very last thing you want to do is to upset certain individuals that you care about dearly, like close friends, colleagues or relatives, not to mention loved ones. Of lately, it becomes apparent that if you are to deal with certain persistent problems, that is exactly what you will have to do even though it is against your principles. The individuals in question are happy with certain arrangements as they are and will do nothing unless you force their hands. Under such circumstances, you may also need to respect their wishes with some of the issues they face. It may not meet with your 'standards of approval' but it has been appropriate with them. Hence where do you strike a balance, a question, which you need to ask yourself? Perhaps third parties should understand your kind intentions but not necessarily is it the only way. Hence be prepared that your effort could be rejected hurting your feelings since your efforts are not appreciated. |
LUCK: | |||
You have learned that if you get a refusal to a request made in one way, there is no harm in approaching the matter from another route. The real problem may be your own mixed feelings about some of the arrangements. No doubt they are exciting to certain aspects, but could shake up elements of your life, which you are unprepared for. There is no single solution to your dilemma because you have others to consider at this stage of your life. More importantly, discussing with those involved and find out their views before deciding. You can never tell what you can learn from the discussions, where each party could learn something new from each other. Hopefully things will pan out a win-win situation and life can move forward without things hanging over your head. Otherwise you will never know whether you have made the right choice. |
MONEY: | |||
It is no surprise that certain practical or financial matters need thought and urgent attention. You have known changes were inevitable, but perhaps are waiting for more information about the direction things are heading. There are certain hints, but insufficient at this moment for you to make a decision. It is not a simple straight yes or no answer where things are happening, due to the volatile government and international agreements. Observe and listen, prepare for the worst and hope for the best; would be the possible approach that you can adopt under the circumstances. No matter whatever the outcome, you should be able to overcome the challenges ahead without suffering much financial loss. On the other hand, you may even profit with certain long term investment plans or schemes. |
For the courageous and single type, you should be trying to make more new friends rather than staying with a regular group of friends. Perhaps it is about time to spread your horizons meeting others outside the normal circle, irrespective of their age, race or religion in order to expand the social circle. For those planning to start a new family, couples have been considering the appropriate moment. Hesitation did crop up in the past, due to restriction to personal freedom, career or business commitments. Some would prefer the joy of having a family and prepared to make certain sacrifices. No matter whatever the final decision, most important that both parties are in agreement of having a family to begin with. This will avoid endless disagreements in the future. |
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Born in the Year of Dragon |
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It would be no surprise if you have been questioning decisions, wrestling with details, proposals or wondering if they need a re-evaluation after such a lapse of time. On the contrary, you should not need to worry because changes in circumstances are likely to lead to a fresh review anyway even though you did not plan one. Based on such circumstance, you would need to explore possible alternative options. Things may appear to be dormant all the while, but impatient attitude is beginning to get on your nerve. In your mind, several things could be at stake, but fear not for you are capable of catching up on lost time. More importantly to maintain your own health status for you will need all the energy and strength when the moment arrives. |
LUCK: | |||
Situation is looking more optimistic associated with several issues during the month, ranging from, career, business, personal relationship, wedding or education. For things that one has been working diligently, combination of timing and opportunity should ensure that the missing puzzles are falling into place and the outcome should be distinctly clear. Expect several changes to take place within the month involving - movement, relocations, exchanges or completion of contractual agreements. Things are happening relatively fast and smooth and parties involved indeed will be very pleased with the outcome. Having accomplished the initial phase of the plan, you too will be preoccupied with the subsequent phases, keeping things in order and ensuring the respective transactions to be as seamless as possible. No doubt there are numerous finite terms and conditions to be resolved, so do not make assumptions |
MONEY: | |||
Be cautious when dealing with financial transactions that involve banking or internet purchases due to fraudulent scenarios. The tricks or scams deployed by those with ill intentions are getting more sophisticated and convincing by the day. Hence it is no surprise that many people of the public including certain professionals or even politicians are victims of such scams. As more and more developed and developing nations are promoting a cashless society, it is becoming almost near impossible to avoid financial dealings that do not involve electronic system transactions on a daily basis. Under such circumstances, you need to be extra vigilant and try your best to avoid the unavoidable as much as you possibly can. Others may readily accept the pros and cons of digital money and for those that have been stung by the scams, can tell the tales. |
Young career individuals' types are feeling as free as a bird after having fully grown wings and being able to fly the nest into the wide open world. However as concerning parents, you may need to let the children go when the moment arrives, and continue to provide the appropriate support when asked. It is never an easy feeling to let go of loved ones, fearing for their wellbeing fending for themselves out in the wild world. For those still unattached, one needs to explore beyond the present circle of networks and should not feel sorry or sad about being alone. Each and every individual is different or unique and comparison with others is not desirable. Own destiny could be fated to a certain extent but one can also change it by taking control rather than merely accepting it by being ignorant. As long as one has not given up hope and determination, one will always have a chance of finding the appropriate companion when the moment arrives. |
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Born in the Year of Snake |
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Self-discipline is the key to enjoying a trouble free and healthy and happy life style. One is considered blessed for not being regularly taken ill. Just as noteworthy, you should avoid temptation and have control over excessive food and drink consumption. Maintaining a balanced diet system and exercising requires determination. The ability to overcome the negatives will at least help an individual to attain a less strenuous physical condition, indirectly improving the overall wellbeing. Treating and respecting the physical body like a temple, through regular cleanliness, regular check-ups when the need arises, and avoiding places of disease infested conditions. It requires minimal effort to abuse the body but it will require a phenomenal effort to repair or recover from illness. Ultimately the choice is yours to decide which preference to make. It is vital to acknowledge your personal status wellbeing in order to avoid potential devastating scenario. |
LUCK: | |||
Becoming a relatively new team member of an organization or committee, try to be receptive with the new working networks that you have not encountered before. The ability to blend in quickly should ensure potential success career or business progress but do not misinterpret certain signs, responses or particular individual behavior that appears to be friendly indeed. Just remember that 'still waters can run deep'; hence be mindful with conversations and personal attitudes. Vital to concentrate on what you know best, hoping that major issues can be resolved in a friendlier manner. Otherwise you may suffer some embarrassment that might have a devastating effect on the reputation or trustworthiness amongst colleagues, clients or business partners. One should think in depth before reacting to abnormal circumstances. No doubt with your proficiencies in handling human nature over the years, however never underestimate others' clandestine intentions. Never judge a book by its cover and likewise, do not judge an individual by his/her appearance alone. |
MONEY: | |||
No doubt, there are new potential opportunities approaching your direction during this month, associated with business transactions and personal financial matters. Just beware when confronted with new deals that appear to be promising at first. Avoid being rushed to conclude deals for it may not be in your best interests after all. Allow some cooling off period in order to digest and evaluate alternate options that are viable with fewer risks attached, especially when dealing with quite substantial amounts of money. Just do not consider that you have adequate experience and feel confident that you are in control of the situation. Perhaps that is what the other party wants you to think as such. If necessary, it is advisable to seek a second option from a certain trusted individual that has your interests at heart. |
The aptitude to maintain a smiling and happy appearance should certainly help to gain more favorable companionship. You may not have treasured that such basic friendly gestures could have such a significant impact on certain people. IF you manage to maintain such attitude, one could become a popular individual and be easily adored by many. For married couples, remember to devote appropriate quality time for loved ones and family members. Bearing in mind that your partner has been supportive and understanding all along; hence you should not try pushing it to the very limit. In order to have a stable lasting relationship, ideally both parties should appreciate each other's company rather than taking things for granted. On the other hand avoid being too calculative which could be damaging to the relationship. Sharing any pains and gains equally should certainly help to strengthen the relationship; a vital sign of serious commitment from both parties. |
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Born in the Year of Horse |
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The problem with circumstances going in unanticipated manner is not the unsettling changes; it is the sympathy of loved ones who are unwittingly reviving the hopes, plans or passions that you need to forget. Try to avoid such discussions and in certain cases, those determined to focus on the past, otherwise you could be encumbered with guilty feelings, which could lead to depression. Is it worth the trouble? Life is about adopting progressive improvements and moving forward and discarding any emotional burdens. Without capable physical health and stable emotional conditions, you may find life could be a real struggle even engaging with trivial tasks. Heed the tired body and do not ignore pre-warning symptoms. Sometimes one should avoid complex scenarios by being vigilant and attending to the initial discomforts via prompt consultation with medical professionals. |
LUCK: | |||
You may be suspicious about the tantalizing offers when others are promoting a financial package associated with long-term investments or certain purchases. While the terms and conditions may appear excellent or near enough with guarantee that the investment is safe. Obviously you need to spend additional time and background investigations about the organization, people and scheme involved. Being better prepared should certainly put you in a more superior position, knowing what to expect and even more importantly what to demand. Just be aware of hard sale, where they may try to pressurize in concluding the deal. Be assertive and they should get the message not to mess around when you inform them your decision is final. |
MONEY: | |||
Current rather erratic disposition could lead to endless arguments or confrontations if you merely keep focusing on ascertaining the roots of financial issues. This particularly applies to tensions associated with cherished friends, loved ones or family members. Creating a tense atmosphere is not ideal but unavoidable under the circumstances as a consequence. Anxiety could gradually build up if left unchecked but could easily overshadow what should have been otherwise a happy occasion. More discussions are recommended but not necessarily lengthy in detail or overly emotional. Whatever the outcome, hopefully parties involved will take responsibility and ownership of their mistakes and reaching a way to resolve. When dealing with money, it could be a very sensitive subject and no one likes to be taken for a ride with his or her hard earned money. |
You may be facing immense pressure to make vital decisions but are sadly short of facts. However although it may not seem so, daily events are adding another piece to the puzzle. Understand that and instead of struggling to make sense of this month perplexing developments and the attitude of loved ones, when feasible you will need to adopt an insightful mood. This prevents pointless worry and you will be able to recognize what and who should no longer be part of your life. It could be a hard choice but given the circumstances, it may be for the best interest for those involved or affected. Life moves on from here and hoping that you do not have to encounter similar situation in the future. It is more important to learn from the lesson and be more positive ahead. There are no winners or losers, just sad memories. |
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Born in the Year of Goat (sheep) |
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No doubt, most people generally would prefer or dream of having a career and happy lifestyle. What you want most for those you care about is happiness and that they achieve their goals. So when you recently learned that a certain third party is moving in to influence them, you should worry that their health and wellbeing problems will become worse. Instead of jumping to conclusions, ideally you would need to check on them and understand their motives, if ever there are any. It could be a trying moment for all involved and hopefully you will give them the benefit of the doubt. On a personal note, you too should try to relax and taking things easier with your daily routines. There is no easy way of getting things done, as you desire when others are also involved. Ideally to interact and learning to give each other sufficient space. |
LUCK: | |||
Do not hesitate to express your views, however apparently trivial the situation. While others may appear unmindful, but they are listening and also struggling with complex matters of which you might be unaware. So if they barely acknowledge you, it does not mean ignoring you. Besides you have other far more desirable things to focus on. Disruptive and exciting as new pursuits may be, you may regret it if you bypass them entirely without appropriate investigation. You may not know the pros and cons at the early stages. By allowing more time to develop, you could see the bigger picture and potential. Acting in haste or taking action without due consideration may not necessarily work in your favor. Be patient and vigilant at the same token and you could avoid making an unwise decision. |
MONEY: | |||
This month's events are likely to test your will power. An individual you care about or a worthy organization, expecting financial support from you. Other than financial support, be prepared that they could seek your time and other contributions. However you cannot help but develop a suspicious feeling about the approach. You sense that there is excessive manipulation in the background by certain groups or those managing them and what you are discovering things appear to be half-baked. The real challenge is not merely discovering the facts but avoiding being sucked into their plans. If feasible and avoidable, be stay away yourself from the scene so that you are inaccessible for a while. After a few incidents, hopefully they get the message and leave you alone. There is no easy way of getting around such situation, for if you are being direct with their proposal, such rejection could cause irreparable damage to those concerned. |
Those dearest to you at work or at home are on the edge of a serious scuffle. If they insist on talking things over, listen courteously but avoiding making suggestions to meditate the situation. It may appear uncaring, but you will soon ascertain the issues involved are far more intricate and emotionally charged than you imagined. Remaining neutral demands delicate diplomacy but also means that once the dust settles, you can begin the healing process without taking sides. Continue to build on the relationship with parties concerned are going to be more challenging than before since things have taken a new twist of faith. No doubt they will not be able to return to things as normal before the incident. Do not expect them to behave as if nothing happened. Human nature is unlikely to forget others negative actions easily even though outwardly they may acknowledge their forgiveness. The unwillingness to disregard the burden rests with each individual and you will not be able to help no matter how hard you try. |
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Born in the Year of Monkey |
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There should be no major health hazards during this period but do not disregard basic health awareness, like hygiene conditions especially mindful when dining. It is advisable to abstain from food and drinks consumption that is disagreeable to your stomach. For those that are burning the mid-night oil, watch out for potential constipation problems due to lack of quality rest and restless sleep patterns. Drinking plenty of plain water and avoiding excessive spicy and greasy fried foods whenever feasible. Continue to pay close attention to personal wellbeing to avoid discomforts that could impede your mobility. Enjoying a life that is free of illness or discomforts is priceless, so treasure the moments. |
LUCK: | |||
Usually you manage to retain your sense of absurdity even when others are grumbling about unbeatable obstacles or those whose attitude is impossible to put up with. Due to the recent bad encounters, which you were wise enough to see, that there is no reason to take things further. Discard the negative past and move ahead. No doubt certain plans may need to go but the replacement is going to be equally exciting and you may find that your faith in certain individuals and life in general is likely to be fully restored. Never too early to give up the challenge with things or situations that may be imperfect. Learn and live and you will gradually improve when dealing with new things ahead. Treat each day as a learning lesson and ask yourself what have you learned from the day's mistake? By doing so, it alerts you to avoid making similar mistakes and perhaps learn to deal with things in a much more effective manner. |
MONEY: | |||
You may have suspected that certain arrangements were prejudicial but have been unable or unwilling to wrestle them. Certain caring close friends could provide some friendly advice with some ingenious solutions. While some require only a fresh perspective, others demand pure conviction. Waste no time evaluating these and concentrate on approaches in dealing with the situations as they develop. You are still not out of the woods yet, at this stage, pay closer attention to finer details and you should spot the ambiguities within the terms and conditions. You have been wondering how to expose such ineffective manners of management without stirring things that could cause untold damage to others. Before progressing, ask yourself 'What you hope to get out of this and for whose benefit?' |
When you are single and independent, you feel in control of your destiny and it can be difficult to allow somebody else in. Now that you met someone that you cannot live without and prepare to share your life with, it is not so much about learning to share, but having to lower your guard. Falling in love may require both parties to scarify certain things or activities in order to reach a compromise that is acceptable and reasonable perhaps. Obviously they will be certain doe's and don'ts and should continue to iron off those indifferences but with patience. Being too demanding would be an unhealthy approach with the relationship. Obviously need to be prepared for the unforeseen undesirable situation but then it may be too early to be of concern at this stage. Only deal with them as you cross the bridge. |
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Born in the Year of Rooster |
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Just pay closer attention associated with skeletal or joint discomforts, which are likely to cause serious pain to those that have been involved in an accident or on prolonged medication. Do not underestimate the significance of such historical injury at this stage and IF one feels that the present treatment is not making much progress, then one should start to seek alternative treatments. Continuous consumption of painkillers merely helps to lessen the pain but not curing the symptom or injury. For those suffering from weight related issues or obesity, it is important to reduce the weight that could help to alleviate the pressure on the joints and mobility. No doubt it will require a relatively long period to attain the result but with determination and self-preservation, you can reach the target. You still have the capability to improve your life style at this stage and it starts with taking the first step to make such improvement with your health and wellbeing. |
LUCK: | |||
Obviously it is desirable to maintain meaningful arrangements afloat. Why should one mend things that are performing normal or unbroken? However you are in the middle of a far-reaching pattern of changes. Struggling to sustain plans and you will only need to rearrange them as deemed appropriate without further delay. Regarding them as uncertain and when working with others in similar situations, encourages them to do the same and together you will explore a wider range of possibilities. Sometimes when discussing things among different backgrounds, not only learning new things, but you could also discover others capabilities. Pulling together each other strengths, you would all be able to seek and attain similar goals with a single united voice, which is quite influential or powerful. Hence do not underestimate the combined efforts and hope for the best outcome. |
MONEY: | |||
Frustrating as delays may be, each offers a valuable perception. There are some concerns about the situations you are dealing with. Even more important these are indirectly forcing you to slow your pace which is cramping your style. Obviously this is annoying but it forces you to review the actual situations in question. While this may seem pointless from where you are standing, you will be prepared for the swift decisions demanded in the near future, which encourages transforming your life style perspective. Do not feel awkward for having to put up with certain ill-conceived plans. It is important to acknowledge where things need improvements and finding appropriate solutions that are fit for purpose. However there is no point rushing things without having due consideration. Just do not allow time to dictate the circumstances but you should take control instead. |
It is not that you hate changes; just before you get entwined in anything new, you prefer to know what is involved. However, recent 'new' relationship development that is prompted via social gathering will be so unexpected that even with detailed clarification, you remain perplexed. Not feeling confused but slightly unsure whether you should proceed and take a gamble? Well, there is no crystal ball that can foretell the outcome of the potential relationship. But one thing for certain is that you roughly anticipated or expected what the likely scenario would be. At this stage, you still have limited control what you wish for without positive certainty. Think things through and go with your feelings. If things do not pan out in the end, it is not going to be the end of the world either. Live and learn to live is the motto. But it does not mean you should live your life dangerously either without due consideration with personal safety. Just be mindful that there are people out there prying on others for whatever the reason. You need to be wise at the same time. |
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Born in the Year of Dog |
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Do not have to agonize in silence for those feeling uncomfortable or not wanting to burden family members or friends. Discussing any disorder openly and letting others help within their capacity. Every now and then, their calm support and encouragement should help you to make the correct choice or seeing things from a different prospective in life. Avoiding others from trying to help can only complicate things and not help in the longer term for parties involved. Adopting a persistent attitude could be your personal demise and no one can assist if you are not prepared to help yourself. Discard personal ego and hopefully you will be able to see a bigger picture, understanding how loved ones are prepared to contribute in order to ensure you need not have to endure or continue to suffer in silence. |
LUCK: | |||
Facing frantic working schedules or business deadlines during this month can apply massive pressure on an individual. Under such circumstances, mistakes or blunders are likely to transpire if one did not spend appropriate time in scrutinizing things thoroughly and sometimes having to depend on others could be a huge mistake. Entrusting to others may not be an option either and you could be burdened with such tasks. No matter how tough the road ahead appears, just continue to work double shifts if necessary to see it through to the end. There is no rest for the wicked as the saying goes. Provided you manage to organize things in the right order and double-checking that those responsible do oversee the project through paying their fair shares, at least you could minimize the risks of non-delivery. |
MONEY: | |||
Money does not necessarily mean that one can get things done as desired or purchasing most things as wished. There are limitations or situations that money cannot buy. However money can also perform wonders when put to positive usage and vice versa. At times when one does not get what one has been hoping for, perhaps the approach has been ill conceived. Perhaps one has lost the human touch in order to achieve certain ambitions or targets and using insalubrious strategies that could backfire. Alternatively, one can still recover the damage through sincere diplomacy and confession. Just remember no amount of money can compensate for certain damages caused. With a genuine intention and conscientious mind, you will need to do more than the norm in order to regain the trust that you may indirectly create. Being honest could also help for a start. |
Stop worrying excessively about growing old and distress that loved ones may ultimately abandon you. More importantly, continue living your normal life, enjoying the moment sharing with loved ones and family members and leaving the worries behind. With an able body and mind, you should be planning to treat loved ones with a short retreat. For those single or divorced types, discard the unhappy feeling about yourself, take a bold step venturing out more often from your cocoon and explore the big wide world. Hopefully this will open up your horizons and discovering other more interesting things in life besides yearning only for love. You can never tell who you may encounter through certain loves of hobbies. From there sharing with a common interest in mind, your relationship could gradually blossom. Hence you find your soul mate hopefully for life. |
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Born in the Year of Pig |
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Sometimes working environment or commitment can forbid an individual from having frequent or regular home cooked foods and having to rely on fast food or take away (take-outs) often. This might not sound healthy in the long run but one can lessen the consequences by having nourishing home cooked soups over the weekends. Vital in maintaining a balanced healthy diet pattern would certainly reduce trivial illness or discomforts of the physical body due to ageing process. Other than diet pattern, do not forget regular exercises are equally important for the wellbeing too. A balance of such combination will certainly help to prolong one's life's span under normal life style. Having a healthy state, one can achieve many things in life other than dealing with normal routines chores. With some extra time, perhaps you can get involved with other charitable activities, which will be meaningful and beneficial to the society in general. The choice is yours to make. |
LUCK: | |||
Fighting fire with oil is perhaps the very wrong choice and the situation will only become worse. Before you become sucked into a vortex created by others' problems, you should evaluate from a distance. Be wary that you could be utilized as a pawn in others' political games, exploiting your generosity and kindness to clean up their mess on their behalf. You need to act smart and stay alert to their motives especially when dealing with certain dishonest parties or individuals, including close friends, colleagues or family members. At times like this, you have to be cruel in order to be kind. Being too accommodating and agreeable with their requests may not be the appropriate way forward. At least, you would need to safeguard yourself from harm ways and informing others that there are lines that you will not cross, no matter how critical the circumstances they are facing. |
MONEY: | |||
IF one pauses and thinks for a moment, there are many other things that are much more important in life besides being busy earning more money or planning to expand business's empire. No doubt the present society revolves around money and everyone certainly finds it difficult surviving without it. But do not be blinded by the greed of money and not caring for others around you. Spend appropriate valuable time, effort or money for those who need comfort or assist the needy in order to make society a much better place to live, not only for oneself but for the younger generation. The temptation to make more money is just too great to resist especially when opportunity appears in front of your eyes. However hopefully you will not be permanently trapped within the materialistic society and be enslaved to the money. Attainting contentment in life is priceless and if you have not tasted such experience, it is never too late to start searching. |
Cultivating a spiritual approach does not necessarily mean that one should totally ignore or care less for loved ones and family members. Having a Loving relationship can be considered as part of the cultivation process, creating a tranquil, peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. There is no starting point with healing the rift among family members and try not to let it strain the situation further whenever feasible. One of the greatest strengths is the ability to share your love with others from out of concerns to caring thoughts. For young lovers or newly married couples, it is about time to face the real world. A new chapter waits ahead and dealing life jointly as much a possible. Be prepared for increasing indifferences as both parties get to know more intimate likes and dislikes. The ability to accommodate each other's preference does ensure a more loving atmosphere. Otherwise be prepared for more disagreements, which could be unavoidable or normal, depending on which perspective. |