
We would like to introduce some Artists work in this section. As far as we are concerned, famous or not famous artists it does not matter, the most important of all is, we are all Artists in our own way and our own style, and nobody is ever superior over the others.

Why not try to explore our own inner ability in depth, whether it is painting, handy crafts, writing, collecting, flower arranging, music, acting, cooking, baking, pottery..etc..etc, one will eventually realize where our artistic talents lay!

In these modern times, such hobbies are one of the relaxing methods to balance our hectic busy life style.

We collected some of the art-works in the hope that it will give inspiration to discover any of our hidden talents.

Have fun, enjoy and relax!




Mrs. Maria Herbert Liew

Mrs. T. Liew

Mr. A. Porwol

Mr. M. Siebler

Mr. R. Ip

Mr. P. Fung

Miss Emily. T.

Master T. H.

From LMarts (London)


Ms. Maria Herbert Liew

Maria was studying a BA degree in Art after secondary school. Later developed her interest in Children’s books as an illustrator, and furthered her education in MA Children’s Book Illustration.


The following are some of the projects she has worked on.

Mrs. T. Liew

Mrs. Liew has studied Chinese painting while she was young, Chinese painting is one of her artistic abilities; she also developed her interest in "Flower Arranging" in the Seventies. She has participated in a number of Flower Show competitions and won numerous prizes, at venues such as Chelsea, Hampton Court..etc, to mention just a few.

Among her other artistic talents are Dress-making, Permangano, Jewellery Making..etc.


As the following poet describes:-

The lotus resembles righteous and pure people, growing in the muddy soil, and later producing a lovely aroma when in blossom. Mrs. Liew can master the meaning of the poem, then draw the appropriate lotus and leafs in the background for Mr. Ip’s to add his calligraphy.

Mr. A. Porwol

Mr. A. Porwol was a caterer and personal butler for CEO in a number of large Corporations.

Floral painting is his specialty, and he is also famous for his "Pig" paintings, with expressions of the pigs in different forms and styles, which won him plenty of admiration and reputation in the art world, so much so that his works have been exhibited in several galleries.


Mr. M. Siebler

Mr. Siebler’s profession was a Chef, Catering Manager, and personal Chef for CEO in large corporations as well as cooking for a number of members of the Royal family, several Prime Ministers and leaders of other countries.

His ability to write a special "Booklet of Advice" in between his busy work and schedule. All the advice was accumulated from years of his experiences.

This is also one of the Artistic talents that people can acquire and benefit from.

Some example extracts from his Booklet of Advice:-

Everybody is a servant in some way or another.

We all do things for others.

This is part of our life.

Treat everybody the way you wish to be treated by them.

If you cook a meal for someone always cook for them as if you are cooking for your favorite person; always spoil people with good food.

Life is like a chicken ladder, full of mess. The higher you climb up the ladder the messier it gets.

When you reach the top, you easily slip and fall down into the mess at the bottom of the ladder. Then you have to drag yourself out of this mess and start from scratch.

That is life.

Always be polite and friendly to all persons you meet no matter who they are.


Mr. R. Ip

Mr. Ip's artistic hobby is Chinese Calligraphy, he said concentration and dedication is a must during the session of writing that gains him heaps of enjoyment and inner peace, as well as curbing his impatience. Especially after a hard days work, home with a tired body and head, such calligraphy sessions help him to relax and de-pressurize.

Mr. P. Fung

Mr. Fung is a successful business man in Hong Kong, calligraphy is one of the hobbies to relax after a day of busy schedule without mentioning his great passion for cooking as well.

Top Miss Emily T.

When Emily was five, she already started to write stories then paint a picture to accompany the story or draw painting first followed by writing a story.


Master T. H.

This young man loved painting while he was very young, and started to learn photography at the age of four.


Art works contributed by Lmarts (London) 

Filmo arts

More information will be added in next update!

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