Year of Goat

Monthly Horoscope

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Chinese Lunar Month - 1st Lunar month

(19th Feb. to 19th March 2015)

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(20th March 2015)


A prediction for each month could help a person to plan ahead for commitments, avoid any possible unhappy event and uncover the potential success the month might bring.

***Good Luck and Wishes Come True!***

Year Chart (Monthly Horoscope)

Note: Check this out first, if you born in the month of January or February.

Click on your Birth Year

Born in the

Year of Rat

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While you may be under pressure to make vital decisions, these are being made during a period of changeover in your own life and in your circumstances. They should be regarded as consequential and as part of a larger series of plans for the year. Knowing this, you may overlook numerous trivial details. It is important, you should safeguard that you can make improvements swiftly and look forward to accomplish your dreams that you wish for. All being well, you should be able to accomplish at least the first few goals at an early stage but still need to tread with great care and due consideration.


No other zodiac signs have a more natural understanding of what makes others tick than the Rat type. Yet you still find it problematic at times to draw the line with certain selfish individuals, even in situations that involve practicalities, business or finance. During this period, be prepared that circumstantial events could be forcing your hand and in a way that is as inspiring as it will be efficient. This may be unfamiliar, but there is no question that it is also wise. Come what may, face and deal with them as just another daily routine, improvising where necessary. It does not always have to end being an unhappy tale.


Little exasperate you more than those who interfere with your financial decisions. However, if you learnt from recent bewildering circumstances, you will perhaps distinguish that sometimes others are both more well informed and better fortified to deal with certain complex ideas than you are. Challenging as letting go maybe, you can gain from these individuals' capability in dealing astutely with stunning, if unexpected ideas or offers that benefit both parties. Once these reach a positive conclusion, you will be relieved you did not insist of doing it all yourself. This could be a start of more joint effort in the near future. Consider it a trial run and hopefully it will take off gracefully.


Knowing who or what you are faced with before getting involved in a stable or meaningful relationship should be your priority. However under tremendous volatile changes in this modern society around you and your own life, this could mean assurances are hard to come by. For now, just continue living with the situation and within the next week or two, you could be manipulating ideas or proposals and mixing with your love/hate relationship encounter. There is no easy option out of this and at the end of the day; you have the option to select the one that is most appropriate. No matter who advises what is best, you will still need to have a clear mind in deciding the one that you consider is ideal and yet challenging. It may sound complicated, unless you chose not to be that complicated.

Born in the

Year of OX

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The problem is not the events currently reorganizing various elements of your health or life, although several family members or close friends may seem appropriate reason for concern. Actually, these are in preparation for further changes or improvements over the period. These will be both more dramatic and ultimately hugely welcome by loved ones too. At the present, you may not recognize how they could be of benefit, but your instinct must be telling you good things are certainly happening. Adopt an open mind and use personal judgment and experience to weigh the situation. Not all suggestions are negative as such, but it will not be easy to please your personal preferences. Tough as it may sound, but life is even tougher for those not willing to adapt to changing circumstances. Hopefully one can set personal pride aside and see the benefit of the bigger picture.


Because recent thorny circumstances brought numerous questions than answers, involving changes in work, lifestyle and goals to a head, your mind still remains alert and clear. Consider this a privilege, because the circumstance of latest discovery is turning already, captivating ideas into life-changing developments. While you will happily respond promptly, you could be forced to renounce certain control as part of a trade-off. This may be out of character, but will be entirely worth it when taken into consideration over a longer-term approach. The question you may need to ask yourself whether you want a long-term plan or are satisfied with an interim measure. Work out the pros and cons and expectations from those involved. At this stage, there is no one simple answer to your quest, only what is acceptable at the time.


You may be remarkable at evaluating events as they unfold progressively. However, taking such approach without any doubt could confuse matters when dealing with new challenges or certain old financial debts. And the reason is because you will be resisting with confusion, both yours and others'. Just as important is to remember, that exciting as developments or opportunities are, those involved are taking a chance and making decisions based on trust rather than facts. If they can do it, so can you. It may not be as straight forward as it seems on the surface, for you will need to understand the underlying potential risks that have not been openly discussed. If ever in doubt, always ask questions and don't be afraid to make a fool of yourself. It is better to be safe than sorry, especially when dealing with financial issues.


You have been fidgety either to reconnoiter something new or unexpected events are forcing you to widen your quest. Whatever the situation, during the latter part of the month, you will not only encounter the unacquainted, you will also need to get deeply involved and within a relatively short period. This is unexpected, but you need not fear being trapped. With so much enthusiasm happening at the same time, you will be on your feet most of the time, livening up your love life. Yes it sounds crazy but sometimes people do foolish things when confronted with loved ones. Enjoy the moment but at the same time try to be sensible as well.

Born in the

Year of Tiger

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During the beginning of the month, you may experience a variety of disruptive health related problems - either personally or someone close to your heart. While initially these seem perturbing, if not occasionally life threatening, they are just one stage in the ultimately worthwhile progress of improvement. Acknowledge that and you will stop worrying and start considering which of the difficult arrangements in your life - personal, professional or otherwise, that you could unload. De-cluttering some of the trivial issues should make you see life from a different perspective. Do not wait too long making such soul-searching quest and hopefully you will encounter someone who has traveled a similar path, as you are about to start. Life is full of surprises and you may find something meaningful after all.


Ideas or offers that come from out of the blue may be fascinating, but if you are the typical type of your own zodiac sign, you will want to know more before you commit. The only problem is, with things moving so rapidly on a quotidian basis, positive facts are occasional. If you are not prepared to commit, then at least let others know you express interests at this stage and will require more time to reconsider the proposal. Be more upfront with them and express any concerns with such proposal. Bearing in mind, you should not be hassled into making a decision that you may regret at some later stage.


At the moment you made one particular financial promise, there was no doubt you could do what you intended. Since then both circumstances and your priorities have changed. You may be anxious about telling them of your situation. It is not your fault that certain plans did not work out, although that is what one or two individuals are insisting upon. Perhaps you have initiated arrangements. The fact is others are rather expecting; you will simply deal with those promises. There is nothing to be ashamed of in seeking an extension of time in order to allow you more time to get back on track. You still have not failed them as such, only having to delay fulfilling the promise. That is the difference.


This is not the instance to confine secretive feelings. You may assume that loved ones or close family members know where you stand on certain essential issues. While you may have discussed these often, circumstances have changed and so too have your views. Talking things through will ensure those involved are up to date and provide a fair opportunity for them to raise their opinions for discussion. Otherwise, you will be pushing them farther away. On the other hand, it may give a false impression to loved ones that everything is fine and normal. It will only be a matter of time before loved ones will sense something is not right. Honesty is still the best policy where a genuine relationship is concerned.

Born in the

Year of Rabbit

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Abrupt events are restructuring your lifestyle and the circumstances of others. Worse, there is no logic to them. Vital arrangements are being transformed, if not eliminated. While others that you deliberated should go, however remain, sometimes you feel you have the right at least to be involved in decision-making. You may not recognize it yet the certain decisions that destiny is making are perhaps ideal for those involved; until you are settled or reassured, you could catch a glimpse of the tranquility beyond. Be more hopeful in attitude and before long, you will notice the huge improvement around you. You will be amazed how friendship can be so meaningful and equally important in life.


Numerous situations are more distressing than watching long-cherished preparations, personal or others, gradually slipping through your fingers. However, you have already detected these are taking more time and effort to systematize and yielding far less enjoyment. Still, when there is nothing to substitute them, letting go takes courage. Just do such and the rewards could be prompt. You will in fact, realize delightful alternatives are just waiting for you to discover them. The question is whether you still have the determination and passion to strive for a better future? Are you a risk taker and can you afford to gamble with your potential future? These questions need to be raised and perhaps prompt your sense to a higher level of challenge. Others may say, the higher the risks, the higher the rewards; possibly true at times, but not necessarily the case for you.


This could be an inconsistent month but significantly more so for others than for you. While others may be delighted that they are unharmed, you may somewhat feel remorseful. This means you will not only try to salvage those who are struggling financially, but your guilt could dominate otherwise golden moments. It may be time to recognize that rescuing others' problems is not actually your main responsibility and that; therefore you can lay back and enjoy life. No doubt you earned every cent or penny through industrious effort and should be proud of your own success. Your financial success could be the envy of some and hopefully will set a good example.


Patience is not always your strength, especially now that you sense something exciting is in the air affecting your attentiveness. However it is worth waiting until the perceptions and events gradually surface into the open. While you may have had glimpse of them, this is just the beginning of a relationship. Making changes in long standing commitment requires courage and you are hesitant for the moment. The only way you will find out is if you are willing to take the initial step. Nowadays it does not matter who makes the first move as long as you are feeling positive or comfortable in each other's presence. Obviously you will still need to exercise certain caution at this early stage of the relationship. Whether you are a good judge of character will depend on your personal wisdom and experience.

Born in the

Year of Dragon

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As much as you enjoy talking things over with others, be conscious of the degree to which you could be influenced by their exasperation, upset about their health or medical development issues. These are sudden, yet they are not the problems others say they are, but rather exciting breakthrough. Knowing that, when things get tough, instead of worrying, you will realize you have encountered a challenging task. Avoid undertaking tasks or challenges that could be more than you can chew on. No doubt your intentions are noble but certain things are not for you to interfere with. Perhaps as a bystander, you could encourage or motivate them and provide guidance. Otherwise the more you try to help; the consequence could backfire in your face.


It may seem others have not bothered to deal with important details, something that always annoys you in a certain manner. Before you get upset with them, ask several sensible questions, it is likely you will learn they had nothing to do with any recent changes but those were rather due to unexpected developments beyond their control. You should try to persevere, and allow others to discover that they will only be creating problems for themselves. Perhaps they need to learn from their own mistakes. You do not have to feel bad as such, for without making mistakes, perhaps one may never wake-up, learn and become wiser. Indirectly you may help them to become a better individual for their own protection.


If ever there was moment when exploring unconditionally everything that comes your way is a good idea, it will be this month. That means at least discussing options that neither interest nor make sense to you. Ironically, what seems least appealing initially could prove to be worthwhile. Obtaining another opinion from trusted individuals could help to establish the facts that you are not merely acting on impulse or out of desperation. The urge to spend more than the norm is strong but you will find it challenging to resist the temptation. Perhaps you may need to re-evaluate the importance of any spending prior to deciding. Do not expect the outcome or returns, as you may initially envisage. Hopefully your effort will be worthwhile for those involved.


Certain individuals tend to avoid argumentative issues by saying they will deal with things momentarily. You have fallen for that before and could again, unless you insist on an assurance. Having been caught telling half-truths in several situations, you have decided it is safer to stick to the facts. The problem could be that you would rather put things off as well, so are happy for others to give you an excuse. But such ploys will not necessarily always work. It will be a matter of time that others will eventually find out the truth and reasons. Some could find it entertaining watching from the sideline, enjoying your moment of disgrace. You can avoid such scenario from happening through genuine repentance if you so wish.

Born in the

Year of Snake

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Life could be easier if you can make a decision without having to weigh up all your options and consider their impact on loved ones and family. At the moment, however, with events moving so expeditiously, you have insufficient time to think about your own priorities properly and needs to consider what others would prefer or loathe. This will reach a point where trying to satisfy all is a mere impossibility. Hence give them a piece of your mind without hesitation rather than beating round the bush. This may help to clear the air and any potential misunderstandings. It will be a tough call but certainly worth the effort. There is nothing stronger than the truth.


When you structured certain policies or procedures, things were not complicated. You expected the plans to go unimpeded. Since then, both life and the situation in question have become more challenging. While this means you should invest more time and effort, you can still accomplish your objectives. But they may take longer to reach the goal yet ultimately you should achieve them. Hence do not despair at what seems to be a disappointment from the onset. Allow more time for it to fall into place for you are seeking a longer or permanent term. Just imagine a farmer having ploughed the field, planted the seeds and watering them regularly; still has to allow the seeds to germinate and gradually growing to maturity prior to harvesting.


You have an inquisitive mind and enjoy asking lots of questions. In part this is because of your inborn inquisitiveness but also because you prefer to know who and what you are getting involved or are dealing with. You make enquiries as you go through life, which is natural. Yet one or two individuals have taken exception to it and are suggesting you are being insensitive. That is because they are lacking in natural curiosity nothing more than that. Just ignore them. It could be their loss for being ignorant. When dealing with personal finance, you should be extra careful either making investments or planning any joint-venture business.


By and large, most disagreements can be deliberated and resolved in a single emphatic conversation, but you are currently contending with one or two issues that are more complex and so will be more demanding. What you acquire in the process will more than compensate for the effort required. At the end of the month, it does not matter who wins the argument, but more importantly it has taught you to love and care for loved ones in testing circumstances. Hopefully you have not lost your way in the heat of an argument, saying things that you not necessarily mean, which may not be easily retracted and forgiven. Try to remain as composed as feasible and if necessary just walk away from any heated moment. Taking several deep breaths should help to calm down your heartbeat and clear your mind.

Born in the

Year of Horse

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Sometimes certain disagreements are no more than that, differing views being discussed. At the moment, however at least one issue is of a more emotional nature and so must be approached dexterously. But you may not be able to spot which it is from the outset, so must handle everything with great care. The situation could become so subtle that you are bound to be misunderstood. Quietly back off and leave things to others. Otherwise the more you try to assist or alleviate the situation, the more it could agonies those affected. At times like that, it would be better to know where you stand and let others that know best to handle the circumstances. Perhaps your presence could be shown to be a sign of moral support and may help to change things for the better in the interest of the majority.


Customarily, you would review a situation or consider every possible option, confident in the knowledge that you once had. You could then proceed to come to a lasting conclusion. However with things moving rapidly this period, fluctuations are inexorable. Just ensure that certain plans are flexible enough for changes. You may regard change as being normal and prosper on new ideas and exploring the unaccustomed. Events are about to reveal to you not only that these are inevitable, but also how much you could benefit from them. You could make full use of such opportunity as stepping-stone and improving every possible chance for climbing up the social ladder.


Income or financial gains for this period are likely to be better than previously envisaged for those in business despite reported slowdown in the sector. To avoid falling behind, one needs to plan ahead and come up with some excellent or astonishing ideas that are going to maintain such performance if not improve them. For career individual, some have been quite fortunate to receive either performance related Bonus or a substantial pay increase; but try not to feel gloomy or disconsolate for some who have not received, as things are looking positively rosier ahead than originally expected.


Not an exceptional month, making challenges or being involved in frequent arguments with family members or partner, which is likely to create resentment. You are advised to remain calm whenever possible or consider this as an endurance test against your impatience. Being sensitive over frivolous subjects will merely complicate issues and one might regret it at a later stage. As long as one keeps reminding oneself not to let personal pride be the stumbling block. Just bear in mind that it is easier to make "enemies" but it takes an enormous effort to make "peace". Hence why not avoid any confrontation in the first instance and channel the energy to develop a stronger relationship.

Born in the

Year of Goat (sheep)

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When an unexpected situation seems to force an individual to make frantic decisions under pressing conditions in order to address certain undesirable obstacles, one could expect the worst outcome rather than praying that the problem may disappear on its own. During this period, one has to endure the situation and do not give up easily when things seem to go against your every endeavor. It could be a tiring test of patience and endurance yet those that are able to survive such a storm could end up victorious and become a much wiser and determined human being.


Those closest to you, at work or at home, are on the verge of a severe struggle. If they insist on talking things over, listen assiduously before offering any word of comfort or not at all. If that sounds unpleasant or heartless, you may soon discover the issues involved are far deeper, more multifaceted or emotionally charged than you may imagine. Standing on neutral ground demands delicate diplomacy but remain firm, and once the dust settles; you can begin the healing process, obviously avoiding taking sides. Depending on the outcome, you could either end up as a savior or an enemy in the eyes of the beholder. It is beyond your control and nothing you can do then to change their mind.


Dreams will become a reality in the end when one should be looking forward to implement some cherished planned events. However there is still plenty to overcome concerning resources, application and planning. One should take things gradually and calm things down before making any financial commitment or offer to potential parties or organizations. This could be the start of a new beginning depending on where and how one construes the whole situation. As long as one does not let personal ego go to the head, then one should be doing fine and be safe from potential entrapment.


For weeks, you have known you would have to make certain changes to your life and relationship. You have been fascinated but uncertain how things should proceed, so kept putting these off. However, undesired events and developments are making the decision for you. While this may be unexpected, moving along to the next phase of your relationship is a relief. If you are still uncertain about the future ahead, perhaps you may need to trust your instinct and feelings. At this stage, no one can really tell you which route is best to take. Walking a new path could lead to happiness or the opposite, depending on what you make of it. Obviously family members and friends would wish you the better outcome. Perhaps you may like to set a target for yourself and take things easier rather than being too serious most of the time.

Born in the

Year of Monkey

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Although it is not clear when you are in the midst of such matters, there is a distinct line between someone being persistent, which seems to be the case now and complex situations. The problem is the individual concerned cannot discuss the issues openly with you or others. So you have to be understanding and be supportive whenever possible. Nobody likes admitting he/she got things wrong. You could find it especially difficult to accept that you may have misapprehended certain situations when trying to put things right. Perhaps you too could learn something from dealing with such situations.


Your sense of timing is outstanding. Sudden changes are worrying, yet your dispositions suggest that instead of engaging them, for now, you do the least. During this period, it will be muddled for you and the world around you. The ideal policy is to observe and learn. That way, when the storm has finally blown over, you will be able to take ready action knowing exactly what appropriate steps to take. Focus on those that are still around you but do not make any hasty decisions that could alert them. You need an element of surprise in order to gain some advantage. Provided you play your cards right and with the right timing, you should be able to reap a successful deal. Some may not know what has hit them in the face due to the surprise.


There is dissimilarity between gathering facts that could lead to decisions, which is what you have in mind and exploring new and entirely unexpected ideas. Be prepared for a new alliance and a breakthrough discovery between two managements, which you have been eyeing up for a while. In these, you will overcome existing impediments and bumping into new offers that are not just enchanting, they are life changing. This could be the ticket to freedom and new career moves, which you have been dreaming of. Grab the opportunity with both hands and make full use of the possibilities. You could make far and wide success through progressive advancement.


This barely seems the time to bask in love or life's pleasures. You have been inattentive with various practical family or domestic matters. While they are substantially resolved, you are still a bit on edge. You need not be. Things are actually settled and with help and inspirational support from close family members, the moment has come to shift your focus to celebrating and to do so without a shred of guilt. A word of advice, try not to stretch over the limit and be considerate of those that are around you. Otherwise the moment could suddenly turn sour and nobody will enjoy the situation the way you would prefer.

Born in the

Year of Rooster

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Presently, family, friends, loved ones and even colleagues are busy with plans that are important to them, but have little influence on your life. Or so you think. You will realize there is an unavoidable domino effect. Initially this will not delight you, yet with your own circumstances about to shift unexpectedly, you will soon be making changes that are just as dramatic if not more so. There is no point trying to attract their attention for they have their own life to lead. So who are you going to ask for assistance, it will be unfortunate if you have to face the situation on your own. No matter how dire the situation may seem, you will miraculously be able to prevail the situation to the great surprise of many. Perhaps your previous kind deeds have been rewarded and someone is definitely looking over your shoulder.


The worthy news is this period brings much-needed fresh outlook on several mystifying areas of your life. Less good is the fact that you are unlikely to be able to turn these ideas into action promptly; some may have to wait until the latter month of the year. Tiresome as that seems at the moment, with both circumstances and your priorities shifting considerably between now and then, you may be relieved that you did so little at this stage. No doubt, you wish to be able to achieve more in the near future, but certain things just cannot be rushed into. With the right timing, place, people and coordination, your wishes will become reality and your life will change with the circumstances. You will never look back again and continue to move forward.


Certain philosophies that emerged from recent motivating considerations have you more excited than you have been for ages. However, you are facing complications in the form of those who regard the accompanying changes as a nuisance or worse, simply refuse to budge. They can be won over but that requires both persuasive facts and persistence. If you are as passionate as you think you are, mastering these will be no problem. It may take more than money in order to get the plan implemented. As long as you know which buttons to push, then things will become easier than you imagine. Pulling strings could help but beware of the favor that you may need to repay at a later date.


You may feel under pressure to make certain pressing decisions, but are absolutely short of facts. However although it may not seem so, daily events are adding another piece to the conundrum. Understand that and instead of seeking to make sense of this month's perplexing developments and the attitude of loved ones or family members, you will adopt a contemplative mood. This prevents pointless worry. It would be the best possible preparation for you, when you will have recognized what and who should no longer be part of your life. You can then accompany them out in preparation for a new cycle.

Born in the

Year of Dog

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For all your curiosity about the world around you and those in it, you have extraordinary little interest in the sudden developments that are reshaping your health and lifestyle. This takes you into new territory, which is one of the reasons that while others insist you must pursue various ideas or options, you simply cannot see the point. However with uncertain situations, even seemingly bizarre developments constitute life-changing breakthrough. Have some confidence with the medical professional despite hearing of recent malpractices in other regions.


Biased as certain situations are, each is forcing you to adopt an unfamiliar perception. This offer potential solutions and personal insights that could transform your approach to life and career itself. The actual situations you are dealing with are in constant transition, which means you are making modifications that only recently you may have regarded as completely impossible. Later on you will discover that they rather enliven you more than you can imagine. Try to go with the flow but remember to keep your head above water, just do not push yourself beyond your capability and take your time to accomplish things rather than competing with those that have far more resources and support.


Discontented with certain existing ventures or new plans they are in reality preventing you from becoming more involved in unrewarding pursuits. No doubt it does not seem that way at the time; and worse you feel responsible for problems and besieged with the resulting dent in your self-esteem. Doing nothing under such circumstances requires resolution. However approaching the end of the month, you will be increasingly conscious of either a dramatic and stunningly better version of existing arrangements or something new and exhilarating. Explore whatever comes up even if you are apprehensive, what you undertake now will shape the distant near future.


As with every relationship, trust is built up over time. More significantly, it is the result of dealing with situations frankly and those in which your suspicions have been aroused. Yet you are keeping certain worries to yourself when the only way to overcome it is by discussing them openly, ensure those dearest to you hear about it. You will get a chance to talk things over, clearing up previous confusion or misunderstandings. You should feel much relief and better when all those hidden burdens are offloaded from your shoulder. Loved ones will see you from a different angle, having understood your burdens you had been carrying along.

Born in the

Year of Pig

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Enjoying the current situation but eagerly anticipating the impending is a joy you are experiencing. Yet you are still tempted to try to make improvements. Balancing practical obligations, the requirement of loved ones and your own needs can be challenging. However you will devise solutions for a range of issues that will alleviate others' as well as personal well-being. You have a respect for healthy facts no matter what instincts, you should include feelings in the decision making irrelevant of how trivial or critical the issues are.


Doing something simply because you want to is considered a rare development. However, during this month, it is an option that is yours. Nobody could blame you for wondering what the price will be. Actually, you have paid it, in the form of your efforts and many kindnesses to others. Your greatest encounter, therefore, is learning how to succumb to life's pleasures and not worry about the accountability that you should be fulfilling. Trying to please everybody would be near impossible in real life. However you could keep on trying to accommodate others' needs or requests within your best ability. Hopefully loved ones will recognize and share your thoughts and provide moral support, which could be priceless.


If you feel there is a certain earnestness to deal with various personal financial matters, you are quite right. Remember that you must not lose what you have learnt, especially about your priorities; the general focus shifts to financial and practical matters and so too must yours. Until then discuss those unspoken issues even with very tricky individuals. Whether it is others being unable to keep their obligations or you who are in difficulty; financial arrangements need to be dealt with amicably. The real problem is doing it without creating upset or blame. This will require diplomacy but your efforts will be repaid.


Usually it is you who inspires others to take a chance. Yet now that events are demanding you to take risks, it is a different story. Actually, you may have limited choice, as elements of your life are being transformed so dramatically that there is no looking back. While the nature and extent of changes may not yet be clear, you are careful enough to know that adhering to the past will achieve nothing positive. There is no point in dwelling in the past, but certainly you can learn from it. Become wiser and avoid repeating similar undesirable mistakes that would not bring happiness to parties involved. Life is relatively short on this planet, so make full use of time and do things together whenever feasible.

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